On Slide 5, change the SmartArt Layout to the.
Mac 2008 PPT allowed you to apply effects such as polished, intense or cartoon, etc. In the Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, click the type and layout that you want.
Select the bulleted text, and convert it to a Target List SmartArt graphic. Is there anyway I can apply the polished effect to my graphics in Mac 2011? Nondirectional Cycle layout. There are a number of different SmartArt options, and you may find that certain amounts of text may not be suitable for some of them. Go to 'Picture Tools' and click the format tab. In the Design Ribbon Tab in the SmartArt Styles Ribbon Group in the SmartArt Styles menu, you selected the Moderate Effect option. Resize and move the SmartArt graphic as needed. Click Home tab Paragraph group Convert to SmartArticon 3. And PowerPoint … Hint: To insert the shape, on the INSERT tab, in the Illustrations group, click Shapes. These effects include various effects like fly-in, float in, wipe, grow and turn, shape, wheel and many more. Change the colours of your graphic by choosing the change colours option- this will reveal the colour variation option for you to choose from.